Sunday, May 24, 2015

Winter Scenery (AKA The Lollipop)

Another finish:

Our local ANG chapter choose to stitch this together. We picked thread from the big buckets and are supposed to be stitching along together throughout the year. I think I forgot to stop though :p

I had originally thought I'd use purples but then decided the pink and green might look cool on the sparkly canvas. So I picked a bunch of pink and green and put it in a bag. I was randomly choosing threads by dipping my hand into the bag where I couldn't see what was getting (and they were all in floss-away bags so they didn't feel different either), until the first variegated square. Ok, the first one that was supposed to be variegated - I had already done a square or two in the variegated. I did deliberately choose to keep the two squares that were variegated in the original still variegated, then shortly after stitching that first one I decided I really liked the windmill type pattern that was emerging, so then I planned the rest of my colours (probably only another 5 squares) to continue that pattern.

Then I did just one row of the background right around. Originally I'd planned to fade it out into the sparkly canvas (I wanted to be able to see the sparkle), but after doing one round I really liked how it emphasised the round shape and made it look kind of like a lollipop.

And another picture of our cats - once again taking over MY chair - I leave it for 5 seconds and turn around and there's at least one cat on it: :)


Beth in IL said...

Love this piece. My daughter is getting a cat soon and I foresee having the same trouble...My kids know better than to sit in my stitching chair!

MysteryKnitter said...

I love that duo, even it isn't mine. They're so sweet!