Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cottage Etui

Finally I'm getting around to posting some pictures of what I've done so far.

This is the last photo I took before the class - I did manage to finish more than this, honest:

And here's a bigger photo of the pincushion stitching - note the nice symmetry to the colours:

And the pincushion put together - the ribbons were supposed to tie on the sides so that the join made it look like an old-fashioned trunk, but I didn't 'get' that until I'd already stitched it together cos I kept thinking that the ribbons tied on top:

And the cut out sides of the scissor fob - looking at this photo I've realised that I mixed up my fob sides with my pincushion ends - the two ends and sides (borders) are supposed to be mirror images. They were when I stitched them so that means that I've mixed them up. Oops.

And put together:

And the rest of the fabric after cutting all those bits out:

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